Parts and Labor Inflation
Published: 2024-02-21

Did you know that in 2023 across most industries, parts and labor costs rose %10 in 2023! At Acclaimed Home Warranty we get asked a lot about the value in having a home warranty policy in place. The answer is simple. Because of our unique relationships with vendors and contractors we are able to negotiate savings that we then pass along to you! Acclaimed Home Warranty policies regularly pay for themselves in the first or second claim! That is just for one year of coverage. If you add the claims over the course of a multi-year policy, the data speaks for itself. Having a home warranty policy in place is one of the smartest and most financially responsible decisions a homeowner can make. As inflation continues to grow and things become more financially straining for the consumer, you will find that the value of having a policy with Acclaimed Home Warranty, continues to rise as well! This doesn’t even consider the time you will save looking for a good deal or vetting contractors. We will do all of that for you! Adding even more value to the warranty. In this day in age where time is our rarest commodity, and every dollar counts, why wouldn’t you have something as beneficial as a home warranty policy in place? Keep it simple and make owning a home as easy as possible by taking advantage of such a great value. Take the guess work and the headache out of it all by having Acclaimed Home Warranty do it for you, because we’ve got you covered!