Importance of Maintenance
Published: 2024-02-21

For those of us who have had or currently have a home warranty in place, we all know that having someone there to help with unexpected failures brings such peace of mind. Something important to remember is that you can avoid so many repairs by following some very simple maintenance guidelines. Maintenance is the single best thing you can do to keep your appliances and your home happy and functioning. Acclaimed Home Warranty sees failures due to lack of maintenance all the time! Most of these cases are due to homeowners simply not being educated. Because so many failures are progressive, all too often you won’t notice something is wrong until it is too late, and you need to utilize your home warranty. Everything from changing air filters on your HVAC system to cleaning behind your refrigerator will help keep your appliances and home function efficiently. This is precisely why Acclaimed Home Warranty offers annual tune-ups on HVAC units and encourages our technicians to educate homeowners whenever possible. Don’t let these avoidable issues get away from you and remember to maintain your home. There are always going to be issues you don’t see coming and that is why having a warranty in place is so beneficial. So, if you run into a problem, be sure to call your family at Acclaimed Home Warranty for help because we’ve got you covered!